The women wore white at the State of the Union Address, allegedly in honour of the Suffragettes and early feminists generally, who are referred to (eg. by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) as the 'mothers of the movement'. The picture above sums up their reaction to President Trump's call for a ban on late-term abortion (i.e. when the baby is fully sentient and in many cases could survive outside the womb). They were unmoved, shall we say, except for those who actively shook their head in a 'no' response. They stolidly sat on the solid fact that early feminists were against abortion.
Here is the women in white's reaction to being Congresswomen:

Yay us, who have cushy indoor jobs that allow for perfect grooming, glossy hair and the symbolic wearing of white! Yay us, who are in no way going down sewers or mines, up scaffolding or electricity masts, or breaking up concrete on roads or being exposed to all weathers in a multitude of other jobs done by men to keep everything going, including our ability to stand here and high five each other in our specialness! No doubt the wearing of white was meant as a celebration of political progress. But morally and spiritually speaking there seems precious little to celebrate. Of what movement are these women the mothers? What are they pushing for except for numerical parity in only the 'tippy tops' of white-collar jobs - and at the expense of motherhood? Sadly, what they most look like in such photos is an illustration of Philippians 3:19: "their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things." An image of frivolity where seriousness should be.
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