Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Januhairy for men

The best response to Gillette's morally incoherent ad for razor blades would be for as many men as possible to stop shaving. Men of the Western world, get bushy. Go full bearded, rediscover the patriarchal look; flaunt the one masculine advantage you have that women will never want to claim for themselves. Before the Gillette ad sucked up all the attention, we had 'Januhairy', whereby a pretty young female student challenged other women to grow out their armpit and leg hair as a form of liberation. But, as in the previous hairy-is-free feminist expression of the 1970s, this call does not seem to extend to growing out a good haircut (or indeed, getting rid of extensions). Nor, as far as I can tell, does it encourage women to let their facial hair proliferate annoyingly, or random nose hairs to dangle, or mole hairs to sprout unimpeded, or brows to recolonise the upper slopes every which way. It's a stunt that conveniently allows for feminine grooming where feminine grooming is most visible and looks good in photographs. For men to reclaim their maleness in the form of facial hair would be a far more honest protest.

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