Thursday, 8 February 2018

'Peoplekind': they couldn't agree more

Everyone has been mocking Justin Trudeau for interrupting a young woman at an event in Edmonton by telling her to say 'peoplekind' rather than 'mankind'. He's trying to get out of this spot of bother by claiming his comment was a joke. Fine, let's say it was a joke. Donald Trump says lots of jokes that people get all upset about because they misunderstand his sense of humour. However, the big difference here is that the young woman herself was very happy with Trudeau's correction, as were all the young people surrounding her. They cheered! They clapped! They thanked him! Arguably, Trudeau could have resorted to interrupting the young woman because her question was so long-winded and had by then veered into nutcase territory, with her claim that: 'maternal love is the love that's going to change the future of mankind.' And Trudeau might have been intent, also, on avoiding or delaying having to answer the question, which was about restrictions against religious organisations - and that would have been a good question. But the organisation the young woman was speaking for is crackpot in itself. It calls itself the World Mission Society Church of God and aims to be 'Spreading the love of the Mother' i.e. God the Mother ( It claims that the plural 'Elohim' in the Old Testament refers to God as Father and Mother. It proclaims the new name of Jesus, necessary for salvation, as Christ Ahnsahnghong, with reference, apparently, to someone in South Korea who founded the church in 1964. In short, it's full of heresies. As the video clip shows, the young missionary advocates of this church are fully on board with Trudeau's woke agenda in terms of eradicating maleness. That is a far more disturbing snapshot of Canada at the moment that any of the stupidities Trudeau regularly utters.